Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Epic Haul of Amazingnesssssssssss

Friday was a great day for my Kre-o collection. First I bought a Battleship Ocean Attack set, my first and only Battleship set thus far. here are some pics from the net:

This I got on sale 75% off at the same store where I got Stealth Bumblebee. As I did with that set, I will list the components:

  • Two underwater land mines
  • one diver Kreon
  • One Alien Kreon
  • one underwater cannon thing
  • one ground piece with two Seaweed elements
not being a big fan of the battleship sets, and not having seen the movie yet, I can't bring myself to give this more than a five, so I'll give it a five out of ten. but this is not the only Kre-O set I bought. I was stoked for this next one and nearly pre-ordered it. And now here it is:

That's right everyone. Decepticon Bruticus. I would say "'nuff said", but I can't do that with this amazing little guy. He is simply awesome, when i saw the Combiners on the shelf, I literally ripped them off the shelf and found him in the back, the last one of this figure. i didn't look at the price until i had him in my hands. they were on special for $1.00 off at a mere nine bucks! I had to have him, and I have no complaints about it. He gets a whopping 9.5 out of ten on my scale, in my opinion. As you can see, it is a four Kreon pack, so you don't have all five bots necessary for any other Bruticus, unless you sell your soul away to find a Blast Off in the Blindpacks.

You get in the pack Vortex, Swindle, Brawl, and Onslaught. First some pics of each in robot and vehicle form:

And that's that. Thanks for reading and remember Killaturkee!