Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Epic Haul of Amazingnesssssssssss

Friday was a great day for my Kre-o collection. First I bought a Battleship Ocean Attack set, my first and only Battleship set thus far. here are some pics from the net:

This I got on sale 75% off at the same store where I got Stealth Bumblebee. As I did with that set, I will list the components:

  • Two underwater land mines
  • one diver Kreon
  • One Alien Kreon
  • one underwater cannon thing
  • one ground piece with two Seaweed elements
not being a big fan of the battleship sets, and not having seen the movie yet, I can't bring myself to give this more than a five, so I'll give it a five out of ten. but this is not the only Kre-O set I bought. I was stoked for this next one and nearly pre-ordered it. And now here it is:

That's right everyone. Decepticon Bruticus. I would say "'nuff said", but I can't do that with this amazing little guy. He is simply awesome, when i saw the Combiners on the shelf, I literally ripped them off the shelf and found him in the back, the last one of this figure. i didn't look at the price until i had him in my hands. they were on special for $1.00 off at a mere nine bucks! I had to have him, and I have no complaints about it. He gets a whopping 9.5 out of ten on my scale, in my opinion. As you can see, it is a four Kreon pack, so you don't have all five bots necessary for any other Bruticus, unless you sell your soul away to find a Blast Off in the Blindpacks.

You get in the pack Vortex, Swindle, Brawl, and Onslaught. First some pics of each in robot and vehicle form:

And that's that. Thanks for reading and remember Killaturkee!


  1. Aw man, I want those Kreon Combiners so bad! You are a lucky chap! I am jelly my friend. jelly.

    Vehicle modes are pretty bad tho. :p But the rest is pure awesome!

    Good score my friend!

    1. i didn't get the best pictures from the internet, so they do look a bit crappy, and i think onslaught's the worst due to his vehicle and robot form only sharing like five pieces, so he's a lot like your opinion on scorponok lol, and brawl is the best vehicle i think, and Vortex is best at piece usage, only one piece unused in robot form and all parts used in vehicle, and swindle's face looks like he is going to start crying spontaneously lol

  2. it was the last bruticus, they had like three of each of the others, though. if i had enough money i could have gotten the other three for you, but times are hard anymore. i saw him in the back and i threw the others to the side to grab him up lol, oh and Beast hunters are finally out over here, woot woot

    1. Woo! Beast Hunters. We're still on the last waves of Prime, with Hot Shot and pals. Thanks for the thoughts, but I'll be ok. I'll find those Kreons eventually. If age has taught me anything its that getting old sucks. No thats not it. um. I dunno anymore. Something wise sounding anyway :p I'll grab them one day :D

    2. if i get any of the new beast hunters i would get Optimus, i'm afraid if i get predaking my mom would steal him away, because she is obsessed with dragons lol
