Friday, March 28, 2014

New Arms for a Not-So-Well-Made Toy

Tinkering around with my Generations Onslaught (from the Fall Of Cybertron game), and some of my Lego Bionicle parts, I came up with some pretty cool arms which will definitely make him quite a bit better. I first built the left arm, and then based the right arm on it.
Left arm.

The parts I used for this are pretty much four socket joints(used as hands, shoulders, and hips for the first generation Toa figures) two straight groupers and one 135 degree angle grouper, a few round coupler rods and some 't' rods, a couple balls and the upper leg portion from the first gen Rahkshi.
Right Arm is the mirror image of the left.
The arms will combine into a canopy for the vehicle mode. There are guns on the shoulders as you can see which will be new cannons for the top of the vehicle.
The arms are connected by the pieces in the center of the image.
The canopy built, viewed from the front left corner.

Size comparison to show how big it is compared to onslaught's vehicle.
less the original double gun

vehicle with canopy viewed from rear left corner
modifications were made to accommodate the gap

As I stated, I have made a few modifications. this is so that the gap behind the vehicle isn't evident and so that the removable parts can be fashioned into a club weapon.
A clip of the connection port and cannon on right arm.
The regular robot mode has some transformation differences that must be made in order for the arms to work.
Viewed from the back, transform the robot's torso as you would
for Bruticus torso. Do not transform the legs

The original lower arms will hold up the original guns.
I painted my guns silver at an earlier date.

From the front you should flip up the triangles until the pop past the
regular Bruticus state. They should lay flush against the wheels.
The final step is to slip the earlier shown port over the Bruticus combination nubs. If built correctly they will pop right on and the angled parts and cannons will hold them in place.
A close up on Onslaught with his new arms.

Onslaught wielding his new club into battle. It looks a little like a mace.

And a group shot to show the size onslaught has added with my add on package.
I will post more pics of how these parts fit with Bruticus once I work out all of the bugs. Hopefully I can make it look awesome, and if not, this will be only for Onslaught. 

That's all I have so far. Thanks for reading and remember to check out my Youtube channel. 1+ this blog on Google+ or share it on Facebook.

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