Monday, January 14, 2013

This last weekend

Man do I feel good after this last weekend of rest and relaxation from school. I went to K-mart and found myself an A+ figure by the name of FOC Vortex, and I also got me a nice Kreon Microchangers blindpack, which when I opened it I found within, Crankstart, which is pretty cool since the two I wanted most were him and Spinister. Then my dad went to town on Sunday to get wood pellets for our wood/corn stove, and picked up an Airachnid for half off for me to earn. I cant wait for my Laptop to come back from the shop so that i can do some great reviews for my entire Youtube audience, if I can raise up some dough to pay my dad back for Vortex and earn Airachnid. Here are some pics from the Internet.

So Yeah...


  1. Vortex is the best Combaticons IMO. And there you got two helicopters and want another. Have a thing for choppers hey? ;)

    1. yeah i kind of do, i got Cybertron Buzzsaw and loved it, but his left wing, which is his shoulder joint(being a remold of Armada Cyclonus) so i had to glue that on, and i have Legends Grindor from a Family Dollar exclusive battle pack. i had wanted Blackout from the first movie as well as Evac. so yeah i guess i do like the choppers lol, as well as the motorcycles, but it was actually by Chance i got Airachnid because my dad was Shopping for food for his work and the store gets toys only around Christmas, and this was the last one there and it was at a huge markdown so he called and asked if i had it and i was like "get it" Lol but she is my very first Decepticon Fembot so i was kindof exited

    2. at Kmart, where i rarely go, Vortex was also marked down to $12.00, as was the blindpack down to $2.00, and i already told you i love Bruticus. i couldn't believe the original prices for Prime series deluxe there, 20 frickin dollars, and no price match. *sigh* i remember before they were bought by sears and they had the lowest prices.

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